It seems as though you have not heard of EMF/5G capabilities. It is as simple as throwing a switch and it is exactly what happened in NYC, Italy and Wuhan. I was in Union Co, NJ, yellow on the map and I was terribly sick (gastro pain and distress) from March 29th to April 4th, 2020, with an ER visit consisting of getting swabbed, 10x intravenous dose of famotidine and sent home, where the 4 other people who lived with me never had a sniffle. So the contagion is pure nonsense.

Many here on SS are trying to get the word out that these are frequency based attacks and Covid was JUST A TEST OF THE SYSTEM.

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I am open to that but dubious of it. Would expect fringe effects and more general tissue or local environmental damage for example.

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Doesn’t match the timeseries data.

That said, the reason the fraud hypothesis should be everyone’s stance is because it is not mutually exclusive

come one, come all

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illness can be triggered frequency specific targeting. they blasted the fittest people on the planet in Wuhan first, sickening athletes in mass. When Bill said the next one will get their attention, this is what he is referring to. A frequency attack that will said to be disease x.

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This presumably sets up a resonance of some kind within body structures of a specific size?

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How one resonates with the broadcast emf, wifi, smart meter, smart tv, dirty electricity in home, mobile service, bluetooth seemingly depends on the degree of health of ones terrain, toxin exposures of all types, air, food, injections, pesticides etc. This degree of health is broadcast by our biofield, which acts like an antenna that receives and transmits frequency. As we also absorb and emit biophotons, light exposure is at play through flourescent lighing, which can also broadcast frequency. This is war on people.

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A ubiquitous source in time and space cannot explain the New York metro data which was discrete in time and space.

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Triggering frequencies need not be ubiquitous to create illness. Targeted and temporary

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And there are timing issues with the actual data

Sadly, these 4+ years have shown me that I and my cohorts of the early 2000s failed utterly when it comes to teaching a generation how to read a timeseries graph

That includes the kids who became the Feds and CIA operatives of substack... :)

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I will come back to this but two quick things:

1) you need daily data, as deaths are recorded in days, not weeks

2) Kings Co is Brooklyn, not Manhattan. Manhattan is New York County

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OK -- actually I only screwed up the county name -- I used FIPS ID 36061 (and just re-ran everything to check), which indeed was New York County. Fixed the text -- Thanks for catching that!

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But why did you use NY county instead of Kings County? Kings County had the most excess and the most COVID deaths?

Also, NYC is a 5-borough/county city.

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I was semi-arbitrarily going for Manhattan actually. I do intend to write up all 5 boroughs and even the outliers. Want to fold in NJ and CT as well. Main point of this post was to try to explain what I’m doing (which I’m not sure I succeeded at). Definitely open to suggestions on which combinations and choices to play with

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Manhattan reportedly experienced a departure of 450,000 residences during the event - and other data would've been impacted by both that exodus and people not showing up to the office.

Moreover, Manhattan ambulance dispatches did not experience the initial 2-3 week increases seen reported for the other 4 boroughs.

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So this is interesting — that should imply a different ramp-up manifesting in Manhattan than the other boroughs. Will look. And have the residence data, so will be interesting if thats very different.

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Sounds like you have a long way to go.

Tag me in a Note when you get there :)

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OK well easy one first — Duh. Obviously I am not a New Yorker. Thanks for the fix — will change to Brooklyn. I’m anyway going to do all of them, in another post soon — they are all pretty similar.

I did realize I have the numbers from your daily NY plot. I would like to do two things with that:

1. Check that it is consistent with the weekly data by comparing a weekly summed version. If they don’t agree I think that speaks to the data inconsistencies/questions you’ve found. Daily summed into weekly bins should agree with the weekly data.

2. Run this fitter on that data to see if results are appreciably different — though #1 should already speak to that. I _should_ get similar answers given the scale of the event spans several weeks.

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Not only are you not a New Yorker - you're not in the U.S.!

I believe the data you have is daily deaths occurring in NYC, versus daily deaths of NYC residents. WONDER allows for both, so let me know which you are using

Also, the daily data are all 5 boroughs.

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I am using occurrances yes — seemed more relevant — I mean the story is of some terribly infectious thing swooping down on the city, which ought to include visitors. I also didn’t see tremendous difference between the two. Yeah, I was expecting to have to compare to all 5 counties, but also don’t know if the county boundaries align exactly with city boundaries.

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Yes, NYC proper = 5 boroughs

Bronx (Bronx Co)

Manhattan (New York County)

Staten Island (Richmond Co)

Queens (Queens Co)

Brooklyns (Kings Co)

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I deleted my comment bc I didn't want to give away the ending.

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#9...yes, the three adverbs are not gramatically incorrectly used...most style sheets/manuals/guides would probably steer you to employ "in essence" somewhere in that sentence, along with "statistically indistinguishable", but, although you may not have fish to fry, as FE sez, time's a wastin' on this here rock, and you've got a bird to baste, along with cans of French cut green beans, mushroom soup and French's crispy fried onions to open and assemble into that patriotic side dish, without which no Thanksgiving dinner would be complete...it might be the last Thanksgiving, so forget the idea of getting all avant garde and using crumbled Doritos in place of the fried onions...those will be required for the final contest between the Detroit Lions and the Dallas Cowboys, along with mass quantities of non-micro-brewery beer. Bon appetit, Doc!

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This is a good point — should stock up on the various fixins ahead of November Shitfuckery season.

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you mean you haven't started?

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Much of it is still growing in the garden.

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Glad there are bright sparks among the dead wood

Great work

Question? When all this is over what excitement will be left

I guess I will read more of the old Masters

The Bible etc

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I dunno. I could certainly use some slow, boring, not trying to figure out where they’re trying to kill me next, time.

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Can't go wrong with War & Peace...

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Jane Austen never gets old.

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That was so far above my ability to understand but WOW, you're smart. I wish I could understand it. Maybe at the end you could just write one sentence where you make a simple explanation for dummies like I am.

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Well actually I’m a dumbass who more or less believed all that at the time.

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FYI - Elmhurst Hospital ... I called them a week or so after The Big Expose dropped... and told them my 'son' had badly sprained his ankle and that he needed emergency care.

I was concerned that the hospital was overrun and that I would have to wait hours to be seen ...I was told no it was no overrun - it was operating with normal patient volumes in the emergency ward... I might have to wait 30 minutes .... oh I said but what about that story.... well yes... it was busy for a period last week ... but it's back to normal now.

I also called the hospital a few times asking to speak to the doctor who was providing the tour of the emergency area of the hospital where all the sickies were on respirators... every single time the person I spoke to - after checking the dbase - said ... there is no such doctor by that name in this hospital.

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You mean Colleen what’s her name?

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When would that have been about?

I mean we quickly get to a place of doubt where I do things like call family to tell me how long their shadow is so I can verify we live on a planet.

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I called a week or so after this https://www.nytimes.com/video/nyregion/100000007052136/coronavirus-elmhurst-hospital-queens.html

I also recall wondering why northern Italy was being hammered ... and nowhere else in Italy or Europe....

I also wondering why Wuhan was hammered -- and despite millions heading to their home villages at Chinese New Yr -- all of China was not overwhelmed (I have done business in HK and China for 20+ years... I have contacts in Shanghai and Beijing...)

I was suspicious in March ... I was certain by early April.... we were being played.

BIG PICTURE -- I have been aware that we were doomed since just after the GFC... and I was on a massive bucket listing world tour that was rudely interrupted by CovCON...

I always knew that at some point civilization was going to grind to a sudden stop ... and I was monitoring canaries ... in 2019 auto sales were crashing ... reverse repos were running very hot... there was trepidation in the air....

And then CovCON... then the Rat Juice Shots.... ah ha moment.... our kind masters were not going to do nothing ... watch collapse happen... and 8 billion pour onto the streets very angry and hungry ... and tear each other to pieces (and eat the body parts)....

No... they would continue to do whatever they could to delay the collapse... but when they ran out of ammo .. they would do the right thing... and put us down...

Makes sense... how do you get all the players on board for an extermination? You need to convince them that there is no good alternative... everyone dies... why not reduce the suffering?

I have summarized everything here

“The global economy was facing the worst collapse since the second world war as coronavirus began to strike in March, well before the height of the crisis, according to the latest Brookings-FT tracking index. “The index comes as the IMF prepares to hold virtual spring meetings this week, when it will release forecasts showing the deepest contraction for the global economy since the 1930s great depression.


Now we wait for the end game... I have resumed the bucket list most recently getting to Ladakh India... and am now in Japan... will this be the final adventure... of will the Men Who Run the World be able to kick the can into 2025? https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/who-runs-the-world

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I appreciate your wondering. The media are criminals working hand in hand with government and all of those "corporation shitheads"

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Are they evil... or are they just doing what is ... necessary? https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-ultimate-extinction-plan-uep

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I expect things come to a head in the next few months. In some sense its a bit of a relief to not have so much invested to watch evaporate.

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like what for example? more of what we went through three years ago?

I do not know if I can take much more of this garbage

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I kinda think the endless cycling of past ops the last few years is to train us to expect them being used in future ones. Will it be a domestic terrorism event? War(s) escalation? Assassination? All of the above?

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I am actually looking forward to it. It's the only way to cure the morons of their stupidity....

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Sadly, morons can not be cured.

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