"and particularly with her merry band of PANDA collaborators here"

#ontoyou ;-)

Or just imagining things.

Who knows, really?

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I had an imaginary pet squirrel when I was quite a bit younger. Now have real ones sabotaging my garden.

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Instead of Post Maloned, you got Block Maloned.

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Horse manure. Someone, some bad one, pissing like a race horse, pissing and getting pissed off, knows a great deal about horse manure. It is not the same as steer manure. It sounds like a lot of quarter horse manure. Elite manure. Where is the wise one's muzzle, his strap on feed bag, his trough, are there no troughs for the almost rich little men? The almost rich little lion men need troughs in which to feed themselves. I hear the chipper close by.

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Wow, just wow. Back in the day I was ticked ay Alex Berenson for being so rude to Bob on Fox News. I have to go back and look at that clip. It may still appear to me as unwarranted, however……did Alex see through him back then??

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Very busy cast of characters in this sitcom

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Good stuff.

In the words of Jack Nicholson, “You can’t handle the truth!”

Well, not you. The other guy.

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This sounds like my thoughts back in 2020. and my expertise is in math? science? I have a BA in English, and I was on the Dean's other list that wasn't based on excellence.

I was not on the pandemic train because as I watched people snatch all of the toilet paper off the shelves in March of 2020, no one was collapsing from Covid. In fact, large groups of people were lining up like we were about to get hit my Snowmageddon 2020.

I was there to buy toilet paper because I had heard they were hoarding toilet paper...something that actually was happening. So I took off down to CVS where apparently toilet paper was growing on trees.

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I’m still hoarding toilet paper.

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Well, the shit-show continues so that's a sensible decision.

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The garden gnome is pissing me off too.

This all needs massive exposure.

These fake freedom docs.

I am so disgusted by them all.

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Having a hard time discerning who is real and who is not. Maybe getting a little more clear but hard to figure out the infighting.

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Hi Heidi.

::this Heidi is not me. I only use my current profile::

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But that’s how rumors spread, heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend

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And anecdotally I can add that when I spoke to HBOT multiplace chambers manufacturers in 2020 from China they said they had been deploying them to hospitals all throughout Wuhan. I never saw any members of the mainstream media discussing this or even going to see for themselves. Ditto for our New Mexico Dept. of Health and Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, nor President Nez of the Navajo Nation nor the Albuquerque Indian Health Services nor President Trump, all who received a 15 page report on my HBOT findings by August 2020.

Interestingly, even though RFK Jr. would mention it early in his book, The Real Anthony Fauci, he basically moved immediately on to other considerations and really hasn't had CHD do any work that I have seen in this area. That's a concern. Finally, nobody I know has even looked at the 5G issue and is it a whole body stressor.

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What is an HBOT chamber?

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Hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber.

From a post I did June 2020.

Still waiting on my IPRA request from NM DOH on HBOT therapy for Covid-19 initial symptomatic cases and NM outcomes. Many of those so treated worldwide ( over 30% by one count anecdotally were treated and walked out of the hospital.) had positive outcomes. I asked how many of these chambers are available now in the state as well and where. I want that therapy first before any ventilator high mortality treatnent is tried (about over  80% die after going on a ventilator.)


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in preventing mechanical ventilation in COVID-19 patients: a retrospective case series

Kerry Thibodeaux, MD; Marcus Speyrer, RN; Amer Raza, MD; Raphael Yaakov, MD; Thomas E. Serena, MD  May 15, 2020

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I recall there was a scientific article not too long ago by McCullough about 'permissive hypoxia' essentially showing that, with steroids and supplemental oxygen (and antibiotics?), patients with severe blood oxygen levels due to respiratory distress could not only survive such a period but recover without issue. No ventilation required.

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I'll scare up my old report and maybe put the whole thing on Substack. I think I may have also sent it to Ryan at TLAV.

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Interesting — I certainly didn’t know about this — is your HBOT report published somewhere?

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Great article, great explanation. Thank you!

Also great question to Malone. Guess who *else* blocks questions like this on social media? Intelligence agencies.

Why...oh me oh my...could they be the same thing?

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I’m actually surprised the CDC account hasn’t blocked me yet — but then I’m not so confident they could work out how to operate a block button.

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They figure that because they can't block you in VAERS, you always have access to them.

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I got blocked by an Australian Nobel Laureate (and his institute) about this:


I also trolled the Defence Minister about this and that which was when my account was terminated. They do hate photos.

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Until I began treating COVID patients, I didn’t believe COVID was a real new thing. I noted the concurrent rollout of 5G and suspected a relationship. I treated hundreds of people with strange and unique symptoms. The most severely affected were Native Americans who lived in a very remote area. Of note, reservations were requiring COVID tests to enter the reservation and I don’t know if the affected received nasal swabs. Another observation was that ivermectin literally saved my mother’s life, in front of my eyes, and I wouldn’t have believed it unless I saw it. She went from requiring maximum high flow oxygen to 5 liters oxygen within 24 hours with no other explanation. I’m just offering my observations. I honestly still don’t know what the cause of COVID is. I find it interesting that in Malone’s paper on famotidine, he says in the initial paragraphs that SARS COVII is “necessary but not sufficient” for COVID. I am on the fence currently about “virus vs. no virus” because so many lies, frauds and schemes have occurred. My suspicion is that it & the injections are an engineered artificial bioweapon, which is what I’ve been saying since day one.

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Your experience is so similar to mine after treating people!

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And yes the proliferation of deep nasal swab testing and symptoms like anosmia are an interesting correlation that probably nobody can ever really follow up on…

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I am not a MD, so do not treat anybody — beyond combat family medicine at home. But agree there are all sorts of observations and experiences people have had which point to something different, and often more severe than a common cold. I do not know how to reconcile that with what looks like an absence of evidence on a wider statistical level. I think I can say there was no life risk additive pandemic, but don’t think I can say ‘coronavirus isn’t real’.

I think there are genuine, very wide uncertainties on the nature of viruses and their relationship to disease that haven’t been adequately explored due to what looks like hijacking with a way too oversimplified model. We need more deep dives on the question “what is a coronavirus?” With “wait. how do we know that?” at each step and decision branch. I think JJ Couey has been doing this really well. It doesn’t help otherwise when people who should have been, or should be able to shed light on these things instead go cya and start blocking people…

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I too, am on the fence. I did have a positive covid test along with the most severe respiratory infection I have ever had. Unlike any flu, ever. Glad, I was able to get antibiotics and some other goodies. Recovered just fine and nothing major since (2 plus years ago).

It felt like poisoning. As sucky as the experience was, I'm still very happy I didn't get transfected (covid shot). In fact, I knew the only thing that would help was getting treatment. That was easier said than done at that time.

There has been so much obfuscation, it's hard to know what's real. But Couey makes excellent observations and has pointed questions.

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Oh Dr-not-a-Dr-Flurm, I adore this comment and this whole post.


And you've finally semi given me a semi official title - Combat Family Medicine At Home Specialist. Or should it be Practitioner? Or should it be Best Guess Herbalist?

Anyway, I agree with all you've written here, thank you.

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Thank you! You could also add a rank — Brigadier General Combat Family Medicine At Home Specialist. With the array of ribbons, all that.

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Brig.Gen. jill Specializing in CFMaH, Cleaning Cat Poop, Feeding Birds and Tending Deer and Bear(s) and Sometimes Chickens


Doesn't look right......

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I think several of those things would fit better as service ribbons

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But Important People have letters with their names - after being baptized and taking a confirmation name in a Holy Ivy School.

Can you be a Minor God or a Great Authority without The Letters?

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Funny that some people adore Malone, he has loads of folllowers on his substack.

I think he is just an arrogant poser

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It’s called money laundering and hidden revenue sources.

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Do wonder how many of those are actually people. Don’t know how one manages to get hundreds of thousands of subscribers overnight.

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Here is a funny one from his comment section:

Sherri Greco 3 hrs ago Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"I am loving Substack!!

I am getting to read articles fully written, with words I need to use a dictionary in order to dust off the cobwebs my brain has acquired.

Thank you.."

Like (8)

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AI user comments make my brain hurt.

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She’s gonna be so pissed next time he disparages us high school diploma holders

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"magic" I think.

Any time I read his blog (very dull) and the comments, I am baffled!!

Oh: to add

I can not comment on his blog bc I am not a subscriber, but I do have many questions

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Yes well I still get the substacks. Maybe until they find me. But yes can’t comment either.

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Your reply to RM was accurate, succinct, and logical. Didn't take much to hit a nerve. He could have simply ignored you and no one would have remarked. But blocking? Big overreaction on his part. His own worst enemy.

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I mean they could have figured I was some kind of bot. My “Yuval Harari’s mother was an orangutan” reminder posts could possibly look bot-like…

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Kind of you to suggest Yuval had natural origins in the animal kingdom. I was leaning toward synthetic.

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Harari is definitely more reptile than human. Can we get some of his DNA and BLAST it?

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Might be RNA based

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Well its that hybrid childhood resentment towards pure humans which led to the whole transhuman thing, so its connected.

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Badge of honor. Wear it proudly.

Truth doesn't mind being questioned. A lie doesn't like being challenged. It's always a BIG tell when the opposition doesn't want to discuss important topics. Thus they are called "gatekeepers." They are keeping the narrative rolling in a particular direction.

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I do certainly feel honored Jill took the time to hit the block button on me!

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Didn’t he take 2 shots which he knew killed most of the test animals.

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Well he had to get the “it almost killed me” story somehow! How else was he going to throw shade on the shots to get his contracts moving forward!


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Lions and Tigers are out in the plains of Africa or in zoos or in Detroit. Pandemics are made up of nothingness and fake fear.

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Be careful saying stuff like that or you could get yourself blocked!

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