Many thanks for your post. In the UK the 12th August is the start of the shooting season, the 'Glorious Twelfth.

Which is also George Soros's birthday.

Anyway, I thought of the title of your blog when I wrote about screechers.


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In "Vaxxed" , we learn how one "shot" was causing meningitis, and subsequently renamed and moved first to Canada, then when dis-covered/uncovered there, again renamed and moved to UK.

Hey, Teacher, Leave Those Kids Alone.

My kids had to fight me to be allowed to go to those places, and then only once they were twelve. Only one went from young on through. Makes sense, tenth house moon.

They called it "maybe meningitis" in Hawaii when the real issue was the burning of the cane fields, during which they just go ahead and burn the pcp piping in the fields as that's cheaper than taking it out. Made folks nice and ill, and by the way, the birth defects during those years there were astronomical. And the USDA kept that Hawaiian Cane and Sugar going for twenty years of complete company bankruptcy, 'cause Monsanto, you know?

Look to the chemicals used in the prisons called schools. The US "schooling/training" system was modelled after the Prussian military, a documented fact.

Find it all in JOhn Gatto's "Weapons of Mass Instruction".

Over and out.

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Glad you're back, Dr. Flurm! Oh, I don't envy you, what a peculiar and dangerous situation for the kids.

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Haha Yertle (and that his name was changed to protect the innocent)!

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