I wrote this now two years ago
And this year again… I think I should tweak it, or add some stanzas…
But then… Nope.
Don’t fix what ain’t broke!
Hope you all are able to detach these next few weeks and spend some time with loved ones, at least mentally away from the shitfuckery!
Twas the night before Covid And all through the lab Not a creature was stirring, Fed things ending “…nab” The clones were all bagged In the sleigh: set to fog Flying serpentine With a jig and a jog They don’t fear the flu! So lets cut to the chase We’ll scare them right through! And keep up the warm base Send Comfort out East Mercy to West Get them at the ready: This here is the test! And so it began That cold winter night Perhaps like a coup One without any fight And panic ensued! Freedoms soon gone New powers embued All eyes on Wuhan Send everyone home! But don’t use a mask, We don’t know where they went Just… well, don’t ask? And grandma and grandpa Nestled snug in their cot With nobody to care, Locked Down, left to rot. We can shift all the numbers! With tests nonspecific They won’t figure it out Case loads look terrific And get them with the cure A new kind of shot We’ll dork with their genes And some batches hot We need a good name Trusted, like… Hey!… Vaccine! We’ll change it in Webster’s They won’t see it’s obscene. The TV’s all ours And everything News If someone gets wise We’ll shut off all their views Its safe and effective! Take that you foil hats! Noone hears your invective, When we own all the chats And many who imbibed The shots under test Stopped, dropped and rolled To an unending rest And those who abstained Were feared and reviled New untermenschen Every man, woman and child. Don’t let them work! Don’t let them in school! NOW all must use masks Black K95! Aren’t they cool? But its those of us scorned Thinking like mad hatters Some resistance born Warning something’s the matter As they come for the kids Snuggled warm in their beds We tell them: Hands off. Over our bodies, dead. So in this year three Of Orwellian blight Work to make minds free! And to you a good fight!
Merry Christmas 🎄🎁
Dr. G
Wonderful writing! Happy Holidays to you.